Animal Foods + Your Mood

Studies show that those who avoid consuming meat have significantly higher rates of depression + anxiety. People on a plant-based diet are twice more likely to take prescription drugs for mental illness than meat eaters.

Why is this?

ENERGY. If I was malnourished, riding the blood sugar roller coaster, restricting entire food groups and HANGRY my moods would tank too.

Animal proteins + fats provide your body satiation, energy, and nutrients your body needs to thrive.

Plant-based diets create vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress, low stomach acid, disruptions in gut microbiome, low energy, low progesterone, and blood sugar imbalances.

Nutrients that impact mental health: amino acids, fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, choline, vitamins A, D, C, E, K, b12, B6.

You simply can not get all these nutrients from a plant-based diet. Not to mention the lack of stomach acid you have created from the lack of animal protein preventing you from being able to even digest and assimilate your nutrients bringing you deeper into malnourishment.

You are working against your physiology as a human being. We have been consuming an abundance of animal foods since the dawn of time.

And for the ladies. You need these nutrients to ovulate and produce progesterone- you know the happiness, good mood, anti-anxiety hormone.

Anxious, depressed, angry, irritable, just downright moody? Ditch the plant-based proteins, go eat some red meat, butter, and dairy.


+ Pair protein, carb and fat at every meal. Carbs + sugar are just as important in keeping your blood sugar and moods stable but always pair with an animal protein. Fruit is a powerhouse!

+ Stop skipping meals and eat every 3-4 hours.

+ Remember when it comes to animal proteins quality matters - grass-fed, raw, pasture-raised is recommended. Be sure to add in a mix of amino acids with muscle meats - bone broths, collagen + gelatin.

Of course there are other factors to your shitty mood at play but I can assure you low protein and limiting animal foods is not the answer.

The answer to happiness? Stop restricting, stop following diet trends + stop demonizing food groups.


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