You Have To Earn Your Right To Intuitively Eat

Girl, I hate to break it to you but intuitive eating simply does not exist.

Intuitive eating is the lazy way to say, I just want to keep eating + living the way that I am. I don’t actually want to work on myself. I want to be able to eat all the foods + keep my stressful, unhealthy lifestyle even tho I feel like shit or want to lose weight.

What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again + expecting different results. That is all intuitive eating is promoting.

Let’s be real here. Most of us have completely lost touch with what we should eat, how we should feel, or damn, what it feels like to actually feel good.

Our hunger signals are all F’d up from years of dieting, our wrecked digestive tracts, riding the blood sugar rollercoaster most of our lives, mineral and nutrient depletions, highly palatable foods, emotional eating, constant cravings + always running on stress hormones.

I could intuitively go face first into a buffet because I had a rough day + it “feels right, I deserve it” or I could skip a meal or 2 because I’m not hungry knowing damn well I have gone 5 hours without eating + I SHOULD be hungry.

Instead I could stop and think, "okay, what is going to give me the most energy + nutrients that I need right now? What is the most nourishing thing I could do for myself right now."

You need to put in the work before you can “intuitively eat.”

Your goal should be intentional eating, intentionally choosing to nourish yourself frequently with nutrient-dense foods regardless of false hunger signals.

What does this look like?

+ Understand portions + carb, protein and fat

+ Understand how your body works + what foods work for it’s physiology

+ Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking regardless of if you are hungry + every 3-4 hours thereafter

+ Chew your food + stop eating on the go or on your phone or watching tv

+ Record your food for some time so you can see your own eating habits

+ Evaluate your lifestyle choices

Before you decide to make a pit stop at the fast food joint down the street or skip meals stop and think is this going to give me the nourishment I need right now?


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