Non-Toxic Green Tea + Your Hormones

There are lots of studies + controversy out there about green tea. Understandably so.

Green tea is a plant after all and what do we know about plants? They are really good at sucking up all the heavy metals and toxins in soil. Green tea is exceptionally good at this. Green tea is known for its high accumulation of fluoride, lead, aluminum, and arsenic. What do all of these things have in common? They are estrogenic, anti-thyroid and anti-metabolism.

Studies show that fluoride in green tea will reduce thyroid function by 50%.

A real bummer since green tea in and of itself can actually be really beneficial.

Before you go grabbing a random green tea off the shelf or ordering your daily matcha latte shop down the road do some research and find a brand you trust because y’all I love green tea and it’s slue of benefits, especially for us women.

Let’s take a look:

+ It’s an aromatase inhibitor! In other words it is anti-estrogen + stops the conversion of other hormones to estrogen.

+ The compound EGCG found in green tea inhibits the growth + proliferation of breast cancer.

+ Loaded with L-theanine, decreasing serotonin, which is not actually the happy hormone but a stress hormone!

“The amino acid theanine, found in tea, has been reported to decrease the amount of serotonin, probably by decreasing its synthesis and increasing its degradation.” - Peat

+ Research has found it helps to lower the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol can increase glucose output in the liver, induce fat accumulation and weaken insulin sensitivity in adipose tissues, resulting in an increased risk for the metabolic syndrome.

+ If it helps to reduce stress it will naturally aid in weight loss. It also increases your energy expenditure.

+ It aids in digestion + as we know, good digestion is the cornerstone to balanced hormones. It helps to populate good bacteria in the intestines and heal and seal the gut making it less permeable. It has been shown to suppress food allergies + reduce inflammation due to a particular strain of clostridia it provides.

Keep in mind sourcing is key + avoid brewing in tap water! I love the brand @piquetea they do it right!

*Not sponsored.


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