Should You Go Gluten Free?

Just as I talk about nuts + seeds + raw vegetables wreaking havoc on your gut, gluten is no different.

1 in 3 Americans are gluten intolerant. It goes undetected because it manifests in so many different ways.

Skin issues like acne, psoriasis and eczema, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, headaches, migraines, fatigue, anxiety + depression, ADHD, brain fog, joint paint, autoimmune disease, acid reflux, GERD, mood changes, PMS, hormonal imbalances, you name it.

Gluten is not what it used to be due to industrialization and the use of glyphosate.

Gluten also became a staple in our diets, most people eating it at every meal because the first food pyramid instructed Americans to consume mostly bread and pasta.

What a perfect opportunity to make a profit, speed up the process and start using chemical fertilizers like glyphosate. Yum! Who doesn’t want a nice sprinkle of toxins on their pasta.

Glyphosate contributes to gut dysbiosis, killing off good bacteria + feeding the bad bacteria.

Gluten contributes to leaky gut by triggering the release of zonulin, allowing food + pathogens to sneak into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall.

Gluten fuels inflammation. It damages the small intestine making it hard for your body to absorb nutrients. It causes food to move slower through the intestines which means excess estrogen stays in the body longer. Hello estrogen dominance, mineral + nutrient deficiencies, thyroid probs + everything that comes with malnourished cells.

Studies show that women with gluten sensitivities tend to have issues with infertility, endometriosis + PCOS. Even worse, gluten can cause an immune reaction for up to 6 months after consuming it.

What about sourdough? Unless you are growing that wheat in your backyard the answer is probably no. There is debate on whether or not the process of fermenting breaks down the gluten making it a better choice. If you insist- make your own or buy local. If there is yeast, it’s not a true sourdough + as always dose matters, we don’t need to have it at every meal.

So should you go gluten free? Personally, I’l pass.

To put it simply, today’s gluten does not work with our physiology.


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