Are You Running on Stress Hormones?

I saw a quote a while ago that I strongly resonated with and I think most of you will too:

“If you listen to your body when it whispers you won’t have to hear it scream”

Society makes women feel like they need to do it all. We are seen as weak if we don’t.

We are expected to work hard and have thriving careers, take care of everything at home, take care of the kids, cook healthy meals, get a hard workout in everyday, you can’t say no or your are seen as a bitch, and on top of that we are expected to look a certain way. The pressure we put on ourselves is wild.

This pressure, these expectations, are what is causing our health to spiral.

We are stressed the F out. We spread ourselves too thin. We are stuck in a constant state of stress and honestly it’s hard to remember to eat and on top of that a nourishing meal. In some cases we even praise ourselves for being able to run on fumes (or stress hormones) all day not eating a crumb all day.

One of the only ways we can come out of this stressed out state and feel better is by nourishing ourselves. Eating every 3-4 hours, eating protein, carb and fat at every meal, getting in a bedtime snack, eat the damn carbs and fruit, focusing on eating superior foods from animal sources, and start taking care of yourself, stop over committing and just say no.

Symptoms are our bodies cries for help and most of the time we are too wound up in “life” that we don’t listen and we end up depleting ourselves even further. Listen to your body she is trying to keep you alive.


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