Are Some of Your Symptoms Related to Your Anxiety Around Food?

“I can’t eat the dessert unless I go for a run”

“I earned this wine!”

“I eat ‘clean' most of the time"

“Too many calories!”

“I’ll pass on the rice + potatoes, too many carbs! But I can have cauliflower!”

“I should really eat more vegetables”

“It’s the weekend, I can have a cheat meal”

“Good thing I am working out tomorrow to burn all this off”

You start learning more about nutrition + your thoughts turn into...“God knows what oil that was cooked in, I can’t eat it!”

“I don’t trust that meat, who knows the quality and where it came from"

“I can’t eat the sugar, it’s so bad and will cause diabetes and insulin resistance”

No matter what end of the spectrum you are on, these thoughts are FUCKED. And quite honestly, It is hard being a woman.

It is so sad that diet culture + propaganda makes us feel so much guilt, shame, + confusion around food.

I remember living in Chicago 5 years ago + the only way I would allow myself to eat out at a restaurant was if I walked at least 3 miles there + back. I remember all the times I stayed home rather than going out with friends because I had anxiety around going out to dinner at an “unhealthy" restaurant. I remember only having a few restaurants to choose from because they had a “safe, healthy option” on the menu.Whether you are eating to earn your food or being hyper aware of everything that goes in your mouth, it’s not the food that is unhealthy, it's these thoughts that are. These thoughts are what causes stress, these thoughts are what causes physical symptoms from hormonal imbalances to digestive distress.

Deep healing only happens once we let go of these thought patterns and start enjoying food for what it is- fuel and energy so we can live our happiest most fulfilling lives. If you don’t have the energy + your stressed out about your food all the time you can’t truly expect to heal.

Once I found food freedom, became less obsessive about every damn thing I put in my mouth + started to understand my body better that is when I found true happiness in all aspects of my life + began to heal on a deeper level.

Do you think some of your symptoms are related to your anxiety around food?


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