7 Ways to Kick Your Headache or Migraine

Do you struggle with the occasional headache or chronic migraine? Do you find yourself reaching for a pain killer more often than not just to get through the day? I’ve been there.

I know a thing or two about headaches and migraines. I have been dealing with them since I was little girl and it’s something I have always been prone to but luckily after much research and success I have found ways to knock them out fast! Save this post for later to refer to when the pain hits!

So why are you getting headaches? Well this can range from all things stress, hormonal headaches, menstrual migraines, tension headaches, gut probs, a need for minerals and the most likely cause- low blood sugar! I would say 9x out of 10 your headaches can be solved by simply eating a nutritious balanced meal of carb, protein and fat every 3-4 hours. YUP. It really can be that simple!

Another way to balance your blood sugar is to eat sugar! OMG. I said the dirty word. Is a nutritionist telling me to eat sugar to get rid of my headache? You betcha! And even better, add a good scoop of cane sugar to a small cup of coffee. The sugar helps to relax you and the coffee with help the blood vessels to narrow and restrict blood flow, which can help in pain relief. Of course NEVER have coffee on an empty stomach.

Not blood sugar? Get your minerals in check! A big trigger for headaches and migraines is stress and what happens when you are stressed? You run through your mineral stores real quick. In particular potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Make yourself an adrenal cocktail of OJ, cream of tarter, and salt and pop some high dose magnesium glycinate.

Ever notice if you have a headache your digestion also seems to go to shit? Welp, I bet one of the reasons for your headaches could be due to endotoxins and gut bacteria. Eat a raw carrot with some salt to help clean up your intestines and move that shit out of there! The raw carrot also helps to move estrogen out of the body so if your headache is hormonal related- I got you! Better yet- have the raw carrot salad!

No girl, you don’t have a tylenol deficiency. You are stressed, under-fed and mineral depleted.


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