Are All Those Vegetables Causing More Harm Than Good?

You begin eating healthier so you start incorporating tons of raw salads + vegetables into your diet, loading up on them at meals and making it a point to always get them in.

You probably think eating these things comes with no consequences. Well, every single food you put in your mouth has a consequence, yes, even vegetables. In particular, cruciferous vegetables! Things like collard greens, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, arugula, brussel sprouts, + cabbage.

Hear me out. I’ve talked about how important the health of our thyroid is on numerous occasions since it runs the show when it comes to our metabolism. These cruciferous veggies have a direct impact on your thyroid! You’re thinking, nah girl, I got my thyroid levels checked I’m all good but you’re cold, losing hair or thinning hair, your libido sucks, you have digestive and hormone issues, and you’re tired AF.

Just like other plants, they place a high priority on survival- this means they are going to try to protect themselves from predators and being eaten by you with phyochemicals.

Cruciferous vegetables in particular contain goitrogens that are extremely anti-thyroid when eaten daily, in large amounts and especially raw! These vegetables directly interfere with thyroid production + compete with iodine - one of the most important minerals when it comes to thyroid health.

Don’t be fooled, these veggies are not doing your hormones any favors. Some practitioners believe eating large amounts of cruciferous veggies helps the liver detox excess hormones, in particular estrogen BUT if you are not metabolically stable these veggies are not going to contribute to helping rid the body of excess estrogen but actually contribute the root of the problem- slow metabolic function. If your thyroid is fucked your hormones will be too!

Another thing to consider is that they are so hard to digest and put a lot of stress on the digestive system. Why do you think you are so bloated and gassy after eating them? If you can’t digest them, you are not getting any nutrient value from them.

Remember your vegetables are only as nutritious as the soils they are grown in + unfortunately our soils are depleted as fuck. You simply CAN NOT get all your nutrients from vegetable sources, especially hard to digest veggies. You get a whole lot more bang for your buck if you stick to quality animal sources + easy to digest carbs. Eat these in moderation, as sides, not whole meals + always make sure they are cooked + cooked well!


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