Is Your Metabolism the Reason You Feel Like Sh*t?

Are you freezing cold all the time?

Is your sex drive non existent?

Sleep? What the heck is that?

Is your period dreadful? or has it gone missing?

Is your digestion out of wack?

Are you having a hard time conceiving?

Are you bloated all the time?

Can you just not lose that extra weight?

Do you find it harder and harder to recover?

Are you anxious and stressed?

Is your skin a mess?

Are you sick all the time?

Do you have a poor appetite? or are you hungry all the time?

Can you not leave the house without needing to pee constantly?

Can you make it through the day without feeling exhausted?

πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ How many of those did you say yes to?

Girlfriend, none of these symptoms are normal and it all relates to a poor functioning metabolism. What if I told you we can heal your metabolism and get rid of these symptoms with proper nourishment and nutrition?

You see...Metabolism has nothing to do with whether or not you are skinny or fat. Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions in the body. To simply put, it’s how well we use energy (carbs, protein, fat, minerals) for fuel throughout the day. It all comes down to how well our cells can take in these nutrients. Your metabolism is everything from digestion to immunity to detoxification to hormones to repair. If you have a poor functioning metabolism YOU WILL FEEL LIKE SHIT. Good health is linked to high metabolic function.

If we are not nourishing our cells appropriately with proper nutrition and minerals, our thyroid will suffer, our metabolic rate will be low and our body will try to compensate for our lack of nutrients by using the adrenals to pump out the stress hormones to keep us alive.

Are you ready to balance your hormones (for real this time) and feel happy, healthy + horny?


What Does Your Craving Mean?


Ovulation is Necessary for Progesterone Production