Are You in Survival Mode?

Some mornings you get up around 6am maybe 8am, slam out a HIIT workout, maybe eat your breakfast around 9/10am but you try to push having to eat for as long as possible. Maybe you even go for a walk or put in a double workout to get your mind off eating because you hear you need to fast in order to lose weight and feel great.

Your breakfast consists of a smoothie or protein shake of some kind because, you just "can’t stomach eating that much in the morning.”

You head off to work for the day and tend to “forget to eat” lunch because you are just too damn busy. But you feel good about it because that means you can eat more when you get home.


And we wonder why our hormones and thyroids are FUCKED and we don’t feel well. Why we experience PMS, horrible periods or no periods at all, acne, digestive issues, and every symptom under the sun related to poor thyroid function.

GIRL, YOUR BODY IS IN SURVIVAL MODE. Your body doesn’t give two shits about your reproductive system when it’s trying so damn hard just to survive.

Your body will not produce hormones, secrete digestive juices, or basically do anything it needs to do because it does not feel safe to do so. And just forget about losing weight, your body is going to hold onto that safety weight for dear life because it has absolutely no idea when it’s next meal is. Your body is on the blood sugar roller coaster and cortisol is at an all time high. If your appetite sucks we need to fix that, it’s not something to be proud of.

A few tips to help your body feel safe:
✖️Create a morning and night routine and go to bed and wakeup at the same times everyday (yes, even the weekends)
✖️Eat the goddamn carbs! Don’t add that extra stress onto the body and force it to create it’s own glucose.
✖️Eat at the same times every day and often, find times what work best for you.
✖️Eat within 30 minute of waking up in the morning
✖️Never drink coffee on an empty stomach and always add cream and sugar, never black.
✖️Ditch the fasting!
✖️Ditch the HIIT and intense workouts in the morning on no fuel, honestly WTF is the point of working out if you are not going to fuel properly?


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